Periodic cleaning
Periodic cleaning removes the harmful build up of dirt, leaves, moss and other debris that left in place, can penetrate and harm the surface of asphalt paving.

Degreasing oil spots
Oil spots deposited by parked cars can build up and, acting as powerful solvents, will cause irreversible damage to asphalt and needs to be treated properly. Our crews use a biodegradable degreaser and pressure washing to clean oil spots and slow down the deterioration of the asphalt surface.

Crack filling
Cracks in the asphalt form from the underside of the pavement, and therefore all surface cracks allow water to penetrate to the subsurface where it can undermine the structural integrity of the paving. When wheel loadings are introduced into these soft areas, the movement results in alligator cracking and eventually, the formation of potholes. If the cracks are cleaned thoroughly and filled with a hot crack sealant on a regular basis, the chances of more severe cracking and potholing are vastly reduced.

As the damage increases in severity, the problem areas must be either skin-patched (the overlay method) or replaced (the removal or replacement method.) In most cases, the removal and replacement method is a better long-term value, because it restores the subgrade, base and asphaltic concrete. In other words, it fixes the problem rather than simply masking it.
The primary reason skin patches are so prevalent is because they appear to be less expensive. However, in the long term skin patches are not cost effective. This is due to the fact that overlays do not restore the asphalt. They only cover up the problem while leaving the subgrade and base compromised. Consequently, the problem will return, and sooner rather than later.
Deep patches with a minimum depth of 4 inches (2 inches of crushed rock and 2 inches of asphalt) are used for making long-term repairs. The material in the area to be repaired should be removed to the depth necessary to provide the necessary support. This may mean removing some of the subgrade. The excavation should also extend at least a foot into the surrounding area because, as mentioned previously, the cracks form from the underside. This method of repairis the only one recognized as a permanent solution. All others must be considered as temporary.

Seal Coating
The seal coat material is an emulsion that protects the asphalt from UV rays, weather, grease and oil and other harmful agents. The application process starts with cleaning the asphalt surface, treating existing oil spots, filling the cracks and repairing the asphalt as needed. This is followed by applying two coats of a water-diluted, hard based asphalt emulsion of selected fibers, mineral fillers, polymer modifiers and pigments.
Seal coating should be done as soona s possible on every asphalt surface and then repeated every 3 to 5 years for the best results. The emulsion adds life to the pavement’s surface by providing a protective barrier against the four factors in deterioration: ultraviolet rays, water, fuel spillage and aging. The seal coat forms a tough, ductile, wear resistant and non-skid surface. It gives a uniformly colored, watertight, smooth seal to the apvement. It works to prevent deterioration by sealing off the raveling particles and fills voids on coarse, open textured pavements (commonly caused by aging) thus aiding drainage by providing a smoother course for run off.
Preparation is the key. This assures that the seal coat material will cure and bond properly to the existing asphalt. The asphalt emulsion will not adhere to the oil spots, areas of serious damage, nor provide adequate filling to larger cracks. When the entire process is carried out correctly as part of an asphalt maintenance program, the life of asphalt pavement can be increased dramatically.